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Organizational structure

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Organizational structure

1. Leaders of the Department of Transport

a) The Department of Transport has a Director and 02 to 03 Deputy Directors;

b) The Director is a member of the Provincial People's Committee elected by the Provincial People's Council, the head of the Department of Transport appointed by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, responsible to the People's Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and before the law on performing the functions, tasks, and powers of the Department and implementing the tasks and powers of members of the Provincial People's Committee according to the working regulations and assignments of the Provincial People's Committee;

c) Deputy Director of the Department is appointed by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee at the request of the Department Director, helps the Department Director perform one or several specific tasks assigned by the Department Director and is responsible to the Department Director and before the law to perform assigned tasks. When the Department Director is absent, a Deputy Director is authorized by the Department Director to replace the Department Director in managing the department's activities.The Deputy Director of the Department does not concurrently hold the position of head of an organization or unit within or directly under the Department, unless otherwise prescribed by law;

d) Appointment, reappointment, dismissal, transfer, rotation, reward, discipline, resignation, retirement and implementation of regimes and policies for Department Directors and Deputy Directors of Departments decided by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee according to regulations of the Law.

2. General, specialized and professional advisory organizations under the Department

a) Department Office;

b) Department Inspectorate;

c) Department of Traffic Construction Quality Management;

d) Department of Traffic Infrastructure Management;

đ) Department of Transport, Vehicle and Driver Management.

3. Affiliated public service units include:

a) Center for Vehicle Registration 78.01S;

b) Road Maintenance Management Board of Phu Yen province;

c) Interprovincial bus station.

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